For Expectant Parents


Prenatal Visits

Great Destinations Pediatrics offers prenatal “get acquainted” visits to expecting parents at no charge. These visits are scheduled once a month at the end of the day and are designed to give the parent the opportunity to come in and meet one of the physicians, tour the office, and ask questions. We recommend scheduling the appointment one to two months before your baby is due to arrive.

Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis)

Give your baby indirect protection by making sure everyone around her is up-to-date with their whooping cough vaccines. Not up-to-date on your whooping cough vaccine? GDP partners with Where the Garden Grows Medical Clinic to provide protection for the entire family. Where the Garden Grows shares space with GDP. Ask one of our friendly staff members or visit Where the Garden Grows website for more information. 

Please call our office at 623-878-2800 to schedule your prenatal visit or send an email. You can view a list of participating insurances here.

Please keep in mind that when you email us that it should be regarding an appointment request only and should NOT be used for seeking medical advice. 


Great Destinations Pediatrics
7757 W. Deer Valley Rd, Suite 275
Peoria, AZ 85382
Phone: 623-232-9417
Fax: 623-878-9150

Office Hours

Get in touch
